
Bias in UX Research Data Collection

The human brain allows humans to store a vast amount of information by creating “mental shortcuts”, which are based on repeated patterns. These repeated patters allow humans to categorize, relate, and group specific information together to create our mental shortcuts. Although this works in human favor to memorize more things, it also can lead to […]

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Empathy in UX Design

All things in UX design revolve around the user experience, hence the name. Products whether digital or physical should start by putting yourself in the users shoes, which is the best way to create great user experiences. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you empathize with your users. The definition of empathy is

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Learned Helplessness

Persistent failures when trying to succeed can often lead to learned helplessness. It is a feeling where you feel that a situation will not change or is unchangeable due to experiencing stressful failures consistently. This type of mentality can often lead to believing no matter what you do, you cannot fix the outcome or you

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Usability in UX Design

Usability in UX design is a strong mix of both ease-of-use and user satisfaction. According to the ISO 9241-11 standard, usability is described as “the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals, with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. ”. Having usability in

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Curb-cut Effect

The curb-cut effect is a phenomenon that describes how products and policies designed for people with disabilities often end up helping everyone else. The actual curb-cut is the part of the curve that is cut on an angle to allow those with a wheel-chair have easy access on and off the curb. Although this curb-cut

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